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Welcome to Flowers By Fairytales
Awarded Best Florist in Elk Grove for 2022

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All prices listed include any mandatory service charges, excluding taxes and variable delivery fees. Delivery charges are calculated based on your recipient's address, urgency and or timed deliveries. We are committed to transparent pricing in compliance with California’s SB 478.

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Four Dozen Premium Red Long Stemmed Roses


Express your adoration with this classic gesture of deep love and passion! Forty-eight of the finest red roses are sweetly embraced in a ring of pure white Baby's Breath and greens arranged beautifully in a clear glass vase. This generous and decadent bouquet really says it all!

Standard size includes four dozen glorious red roses to make quite an impression, with baby's breath, salal, leather leaf fern, and myrtle in a classic rose vase with a red bow.

  • Standard
Recommended Final Touches
  • Mylar Balloon Addon
  • Plush Bear Addon
  • Three Latex Balloons Addon

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